Sunday, July 27, 2008

"I bet it was that mouth that got you that nose."

Lucky Number Slevin, 2006. Three and a Half Stars.

This was really fun to watch! It's fast-paced with great dialog, and has an amazing star-studded cast. And I have to say, I actually wasn't expecting the ending. I loved it. Revenge kicks butt!

Yeah, so Lucy Liu is capable of playing cutesy, quirky characters. Who knew?? Way to round out your cv, girl! And Josh Hartnett: talk about charming and just plain CUTE. Much like with Ryan Gosling, I can't believe I'm starting to like him in movies nowadays.

Well I guess there is nothing more I can say about this, except to emphasize that I just really really enjoyed this flick.

"Ever since I was a child, folks have thought they had me pegged, because of the way I am, the way I talk. And they're always wrong."

Capote, 2005. Three and a Half Stars.

I didn't know anything about Truman Capote when I saw this movie. I still don't really. So I'm not able to discuss whether the movie was true to his character, or history, or anything else.

This movie as a movie, however, was REALLY GOOD! Written well, excellent acting, just very interesting. And I thought the time period was well-captured too.

For being a man of a very particular physique, Philip Seymour Hoffman is an e-x-t-r-a-o-r-d-i-n-a-r-y character actor. I first really took notice of him as "Rusty" in Flawless, and I've been flabbergasted by him ever since. Whether playing a not-so-leading role to being a main character, he's always appropriate and spot-on.

So, like I said, I didn't know much about Truman Capote, but Philip Seymour Hoffman owned that character in this movie. I felt like I wasn't watching an actor. And his performance sparked my curiosity about the real man, and to learn about him and his work (which I kind of haven't done yet, BUT STILL).

And Catherine Keener, who I also love in movies, did a phenomenal job as well. I also don't know much about Nelle Harper Lee, but the way Keener played her actually helped the audience to better understand Capote's character: she was the antithesis of Capote, which completely complemented him.

BTW, I love the quote that I used for the title of this review. It would be so rad if this is something he actually said.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

"Larousse ran gun for the Resistance." "Which resistance?" "He won't say. Apparently, they didn't win."

Ratatouille, 2007. Three and a Half Stars.

When a movie comes out in theaters, I try not to learn too much about it or read any reviews. Usually any hint of expectation ruins my full enjoyment of a movie.

When I started seeing ads for this movie, instead of paying attention to what it was about, I just thought to myself, "What does a rat have to do with cooking pasta? Pixar's really reaching for story lines now. I do not want to see this movie." At the time, I thought ratatouille was pasta-related.

Later on, I'd started to hear that Ratatouille was actually good! Being the stubborn person I am, instead of taking people's reviews into consideration and actually seeing this movie, I just thought people were crazy and didn't know what they were talking about.

Finally, my boyfriend Tim and I decided to take the plunge and check it out (it was on TV). And... it was good! Amazing animation, original plot, funnyness in forms of witt-ery and slapstick-ery, fun attention to details...

If you need some advice: Don't ever be a stubborn butthead when it comes to seeing movies. Also, have you ever seen a bad Pixar movie?

"What style would you say this is?" "Oh... I'd say homicidal modern."

Fracture, 2007. Three Stars.

This movie was pretty good! And, unlike some people's preconceptions, not at all like Silence of the Lambs! It was so engrossing to see the way that Anthony Hopkins's character kept dicking over Ryan Gosling's character's prosecution. But don't worry, Ryan Gosling got him in the end. Pretty smooth moves.

And here's something surprising: I'm starting to like Ryan Gosling in movies! Way to go, dude!

I'm a sucker for a good thriller, so if you are too, why not check out this movie?

Saturday, July 5, 2008

"What would you call this place? Fun-o-rama?"

The Haunting, 1963. Three and a Half Stars.

My friend Tim M. let me borrow this. At first I wasn't sure if I was going to like it nearly as much as he does.

I'm still not sure if I like it as much as he does, but, I really like it! The first thing that got my attention was the title graphic. The effect was used at the end too. Nice!

Also, another thing I thought was cool was to see bits of Boston, MA in the 60's. Cool signage. Though that only counts if they actually shot on location.

And I like the whole thing with the statue.

This movie does a good job of being scary through sounds, music, lighting, and good old-fashioned suspense. I love suspense! The character Eleanor ("Nell") was a little bit annoying because she was such a push-over. But it was rad how the house accepted her as a substitute for Mrs. Markway. Even though Mrs. Markway's skepticism was also very annoying, and it almost got her killed!

The relationship between Nell and Theo was confusing. Theo was all hot-and-cold; I just thought she was constantly annoyed with Nell but was still trying to be friends with her. But I recently read somewhere that the actress that played Theo was, like, interested in playing this role, which is a role of a woman attracted to another woman. So, maybe that's the 60's way of showing that you're a hot lady who's hot for a flighty pushover chick?

This movie is pretty spooky and very enjoyable. You should see it!

"I'm not against technology, doctor. I'm against the men who deify it at the expense of human truth."

Contact, 1997. Three Stars.

I could barely watch the beginning of this movie. I was bored!! I think it was the now-outdated mid-90's clothes and technology. With the exception being the very beginning with young Ellie and her dad: it was cool to see a little girl in a Hollywood movie nerd out about space, communications, and electronics. And the impact her dad's death had on her and how it kind of shaped her career-to-be.

Things picked up when they decode the alien message. That whole thing was pretty darn neat.

All the technology and space travel stuff is so COOL. The special effects in the space traveling machine and the encounter with the aliens is pretty and mesmerizing. And the whole "man is only beginning to begin to start comprehending life on other planets so you have to take it slow or your minds will melt" thing is very interesting. And you know, that whole "18 hours of static on tape" at the end... Eep!

I really wanted Matthew McConaughey to succeed in pulling off the cute-and-charming character in this movie, but his obvious dick-ittude always oozes out no matter what. This is the problem with Matthew McConaughey in movies!

I feel like mostly everyone saw this movie when it first came out. If you haven't, well if you ended up seeing this movie, your time would not be terribly wasted. The ending was really cool.

David Morse makes me so happy, I don't know why, but partly it could be the awesome range of characters he has played, and also his handsomeness. I also totally dig Jodie Foster.

"He's a dirty trash can full of poop."

Surf's Up, 2007. Four Stars.

My boyfriend Tim and I happened to randomly catch this movie on TV. I really enjoyed it!! Touching storyline. Gorgeous animation. Mostly really funny parts, peppered with some heart-warming bits. I recommend this to everyone. I know I tend to over use this word, but, it's: ADORABLE.